Posts tagged Lease
Five features of Edmonton’s industrial market rounding out 2023.

What a ride 2023 has been so far for businesses across the province and beyond! The sheer scale of compounding factors being vollied at companies as they try to regain balance and grow their income is farsical. How does anyone project into the future and plan for growth, or perhaps conservation, when so many opposing factors are at play. I’ve outlined Five Takeaways that we are seeing play out in the industrial asset class, from leasing, to sales, construction costs to trends and opportunties.

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The New Office Model - Ya'll Ready For This?

So I recently learned about a new office space phenomenon that's truly taking over the world - collaborative, shared spaces that allow for community, innovation and services - no matter the size of your company or aspirations, all while on a membership basis.  In particular, one company called WeWork is leading the pack in this exponentially growing niche.

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